Local OpenStreetMap server
When you are one of those users who have a huge usage of OpenSTreetMap tiles (i.e. to generate offline maps for your phone), the you might know that most tile providers limit the access due the huge workload.
A solution to avoid this is to set up your own server. http://switch2osm.org/ documents very well, how this can be done. Since I am working on Linux (Kubuntu) anyway, I followed this guide: http://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/building-a-tile-server-from-packages/.
You well need quite some RAM to generate the database, but afterwards, it works quite well and you can fetch as many tiles as you want 🙂
I came across your website and started browsing it. I found this article. I’m trying to move away from Google for services at the moment. I’ve done some reading on the open street map site but wanted some feedback from a real user: What app do you use? What did you try out before you found that app?
Hi Matt
I mainly need my OpenStreetMap server to fetch a huge amount of tiles so I can create offline maps for my Geocaching App (http://www.ruinelli.ch/cacheme). I am using MOBAC (http://mobac.sourceforge.net/) to get the tiles.
I am not aware of any other alternative nor do I need one 🙂